Swedish marathon record holder, Mustafa Mohamed, new Bookman ambassador

Bookman has announced an ambassador partnership for the next three years with elite runner Mustafa Mohamed, who will also become a part-owner of the company. Mustafa holds the national record on 3000m SC and Marathon.

Musse is a legend within Swedish running and we are thrilled to be able to work together with him. We cannot imagine a better partner and role model to spread our mission to be visible and traffic, especially when running”  

— Victor Kabo, Co-founder/Brand Manager, Bookman, Stockholm.

As a way to further strengthen the collaboration, Musse intends to become part owner of Bookman AB during their current financial round, just like the Triathlon star Lisa Nordén, who also recently signed as an ambassador.

Mustafa Mohamed, Bookman ambassador

I’m thrilled to start working with Bookman and to start using more of their products. I log many miles of training when its dark and to be and feel safe in traffic is very important. Hopefully I can act as an inspiration for all runners, young and old, to be more visible and reduce accidents.  

— Mustafa Mohamed.