Bookman new members of SAFER

Taking our long-standing commitment of safety in mobility further, we have recently become partners of SAFER as they share our vision of zero fatalities and injuries in road traffic.

Established in 2006, SAFER Vehicle and Traffic Safety Centre at Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg, Sweden, is a competence centre where partners from industry, academia and authorities cooperate to make a centre of excellence within the field of vehicle and traffic safety.

Research at SAFER spans a broad base, covering several disciplines and encompassing both safe mobility and vehicle safety in real environments. The centre’s activities engage the very elite in the field of safe transport solutions, and the results contribute to increasing the competitive advantages of the centre’s partner companies and organizations as well as help reaching Vision Zero.

As associate partner, Bookman will contribute to the operations, financially and through active participation in research and knowledge sharing. With other partners including Autoliv, Scania, Voi and Volvo we feel we're in good company.

We are currently planning some exciting research projects together and looking forward to help contributing to a safer mobility for all. 

Learn more about SAFER: